UPHL Service Fee Schedule
Utah Public Health Laboratory
UPHL Service Fee Schedule
Category | Service Type | Service | Service Code | Fee |
Admin Fees | GRAMA Requests | Mailing or Shipping Cost | Up to 100 | |
Admin Fees | GRAMA Requests | Department of Health (per hour) | Staff Time | $35.00 |
Admin Fees | GRAMA Requests | 11 x 8.5 Black and White (per page) | Copy | $0.15 |
Admin Fees | GRAMA Requests | 11x17 or color (per page) | Copy | $0.40 |
Admin Fees | GRAMA Requests | Information on disk (per kilobyte) | Copy | $0.02 |
Admin Fees | GRAMA Requests | Administrative Fee, 1-15 copies | Copy | $25.00 |
Admin Fees | GRAMA Requests | Administrative Fee, each additional copy | Copy | $1.00 |
Admin Fees | GRAMA Requests | Fax (per page) | Copy | $0.50 |
Admin Fees | Other | Laboratory Testing of Public Health Significance | $300.00 | |
Admin Fees | Other | Chain of Custody Request Fee | $20.00 | |
Admin Fees | Other | Rush | $50.00 | |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Alkalinity (Total) Standard Method 2320B | SM 2320B | $25.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Ammonia | SM4500 NH3 H | $22.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) | SM 5210B | $27.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Bromate | EPA 300.1 | $30.25 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Bromide | EPA 300.1 | $30.25 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Carbonaceous Biochemical/Soluble Oxygen Demand (CBOD)/(SCBOD) | SM 5210B | $36.30 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Chlorate | EPA 300.1 | $30.25 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Chloride | EPA 300.0 | $19.31 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Chloride | EPA 325.2 | $20.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Chlorite | EPA 300.1 | $30.25 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Color | SM 2120B | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Cyanide, Total | EPA 335.4 | $55.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Fluoride | EPA 300.0 | $20.35 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Nitrate + Nitrite | EPA 353.2_NO32 | $20.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Nitrogen, Total | ASTMD8083-TN | $35.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Perchlorate | EPA 314.0 | $60.50 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | pH (Test of acidity or alkalinity) | EPA 150.1 | $12.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Phosphorus, Total | EPA 365.1_T_PHOS | $23.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Low Concentrate - Phosphorus | EPA 365.1_LC | $34.10 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Silica | EPA 370.1 | $20.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) | SM 2540C | $14.03 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Solids, Total Suspended (TSS) | SM 2540D | $15.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Specific Conductance 120.1 | EPA 120.1 | $10.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Sulfate | EPA 300.0 | $17.88 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Sulfate | EPA 375.2 | $25.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Sulfide | EPA 376.2 | $50.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Turbidity | EPA 180.1 | $12.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Odor | EPA 140.1 (Odor) | $30.25 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Orthophosphate | EPA 300.0 | $23.00 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Solids, Volatile Suspended (VSS) | SM 2540E | $22.50 |
Chemistry | Metals | Langelier Index | SM 2330B | $6.05 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Nitrate | EPA 353.2_NO3 | $17.60 |
Chemistry | Inorganics | Nitrite | EPA 353.2_NO2 | $17.60 |
Chemistry | Metals | Digestion Fee, Per Sample With Turbidity >1 | EPA 200.8 | $24.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Turbidity | EPA 180.1_M | $5.00 |
Chemistry | Metals | Aluminum (Al) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Antimony (Sb) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Arsenic (As) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Barium (Ba) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Beryllium (Be) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Boron (B) | EPA 200.7 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Cadmium (Cd) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Calcium (Ca) | EPA 200.7 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Chromium (Cr) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Cobalt (Co) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Copper (Cu) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Copper and Lead | EPA 200.8 | $26.40 |
Chemistry | Metals | Iron (Fe) | EPA 200.7 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Lead (Pb) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Lithium (Li) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Magnesium (Mg) | EPA 200.7 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Manganese (Mn) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Mercury (Hg) | EPA 245.1 | $27.50 |
Chemistry | Metals | Mercury (Hg) | EPA 7473 | $35.00 |
Chemistry | Metals | Molybdenum (Mo) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Nickel (Ni) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Potassium (K) | EPA 200.7 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Selenium (Se) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Silver (Ag) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Sodium (Na) | EPA 200.7 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Strontium (Sr) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Thallium (Tl) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Vanadium (V) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Zinc (Zn) | EPA 200.8 | $13.20 |
Chemistry | Metals | Hardness (Requires Ca & Mg tests) | SM 2340B | $6.05 |
Chemistry | Organics | Haloacetic Acids (HAAs) | SM 6251B | $179.30 |
Chemistry | Organics | Chlorophyll-A | SM 10200H | $18.70 |
Chemistry | Organics | Chlorophyll-A Free From Pheophytin A High Sensitivity Enviro | $120.00 | |
Chemistry | Organics | Chlorophyll-A Corrected for Pheophytin A Environmental Prote | SM 10200H_WITH_PHEO | $25.00 |
Chemistry | Organics | Chlorophyll-A by HPLC | $110.61 | |
Chemistry | Organics | Organic Carbon, Total (TOC) | SM 5310B | $30.00 |
Chemistry | Organics | Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) | EPA 537.1 | $290.00 |
Chemistry | Organics | Trihalomethanes (THMs) | EPA 524.2 | $89.93 |
Chemistry | Organics | Trihalomethanes, Maximum Potential | EPA 524.2 | $228.80 |
Chemistry | Organics | Microcystin RR | EPA 544 | $300.00 |
Chemistry | Organics | Microcystin YR | EPA 544 | $300.00 |
Chemistry | Organics | Microcystin LR | EPA 544 | $300.00 |
Chemistry | Organics | Total Microcystins & Nodularins by ELISA | EPA 546 | $300.00 |
Chemistry | Organics | Anatoxin by ELISA | EPA 546 | $300.00 |
Chemistry | Organics | Cylindrospermopsin by ELISA | EPA 546 | $300.00 |
Chemistry | Organics | Cyanotoxin Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Method | $33.00 | |
Chemistry | Organics | Periphyton | SM10300C | $30.00 |
Chemistry | Water Microbiology | Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) | SM 9215B (Pour Plate) | $14.30 |
Chemistry | Water Microbiology | Legionella | SM 9260J (CDC ELITE) | $68.20 |
Chemistry | Water Microbiology | Total Coliforms/E.coli | SM 9223B (Colilert/Colisure) | $20.90 |
Chemistry | Water Microbiology | Legiolert by IDEXX | IDEXX | $37.22 |
Environmental Lab Certification | Annual Certification Fee | Certification Clarification | $0.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Annual Certification Fee | Utah laboratories | $1,000.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Annual Certification Fee | Out-of-state laboratories | $3,000.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Annual Certification Fee | National Environmental Accreditation Program (NELAP) recognition | $1,000.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Annual Certification Fee | Certification change | $250.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Annual Certification Fee | Performance Based Method Review - per method fee | $250.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Annual Certification Fee | Primary Method Addition for Recognition Laboratories | $500.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Gas Chromatography | Simple | $300.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Gas Chromatography | Complex | $600.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Gas Chromatography | Semivolatile | $500.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Gas Chromatography | Volatile | $500.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Atomic Absorption/Atomic Emission | $300.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Radiological chemistry - Alpha spectrometry | $300.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Radiological chemistry - Beta | $300.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Calculation of Analytical Results | $50.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Organic Clean Up | $200.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Toxicity/Synthetic Extractions Characteristics Procedure | $200.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Radiological chemistry - Gamma | $300.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Radiological chemistry - Gas Proportional Counter | $300.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Gravimetric | $100.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | High Pressure Liquid Chromatography | $300.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Inductively Coupled Plasma Metals Analysis | $400.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry | $500.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Ion Chromatography | $200.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Ion Selective Electrode base methods | $100.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Radiological chemistry - Liquid Scintillation | $300.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Metals Digestion | $100.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Simple Microbiological Testing | $100.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Complex Microbiological Testing | $300.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Organic Extraction | $200.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Physical Properties | $100.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Titrimetric | $100.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Spectrometry | $200.00 | |
Environmental Lab Certification | Parameter Test Fee | Whole Effluent Toxicity | $600.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Bacteriology | BioFire Filmarray Gastrointestinal Panel | $185.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Bacteriology | Culture | Mycobacteriology | $81.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Bacteriology | Mycobacterium tuberculosis susceptibilities (send out) | Mycobacteriology | $175.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Bacteriology | Identification and Susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Gene Xpert | Mycobacteriology | $126.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Immunology | Anti-Hepatitis B Antibody | Hepatitis | $21.50 |
Infectious Diseases | Immunology | Anti-Hepatitis B Antigen | Hepatitis | $21.50 |
Infectious Diseases | Immunology | C (Anti-Hepatitis C Virus) Antibody | Hepatitis | $25.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Immunology | 1/2 and O, Antigen/Antibody Combo | HIV | $30.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Immunology | Supplemental Testing (HIV-1/HIV-2 differentiation) | HIV | $42.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Immunology | Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Antibody (including reflex Rapid Plasma Reagin titer) | Syphilis | $11.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Immunology | TP-PA (Treponema Pallidum - Particle Agglutination) Confirmation | Syphilis | $22.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Immunology | Hantavirus | Syphilis | $40.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Immunology | Zika IgM | Arbovirus | $45.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Immunology | TrioPlex PCR | Arbovirus | $65.00 |
Infectious Diseases | Next Gen Sequencing | Bacterial Sequencing | $107.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Next Gen Sequencing | Bacterial Sequencing Analysis | $40.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Next Gen Sequencing | Bacterial Sequencing and Identification | $108.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Next Gen Sequencing | Bacterial Sequencing, Identification, Analysis | $122.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Next Gen Sequencing | Microbial Source Tracking (via shotgun metagenomics sequencing) | $194.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Next Gen Sequencing | Microbial Source Tracking (via culture based) | $150.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Virology | Herpesvirus (Herpes Simplex Virus-1, Herpes Simplex Virus-2, Varicella Zoster Virus) Detection and Differentiation by PCR | $51.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Virology | Rabies - Not epidemiological indicated or pre-authorized | $180.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Virology | Influenza PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) | $150.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Virology | Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae detection by nucleic acid testing | $25.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Virology | Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) detection by quantitative NAAT | $75.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Virology | Biofire Filmarray Respiratory Panel | $160.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Virology | Mycoplasma Genitalium Detection by Nucleic Acid Testing | $30.00 | |
Infectious Diseases | Virology | Trichomonas Vaginalis PCR | $35.00 | |
Newborn Screening | Newborn Screening, Laboratory Testing and Follow-up Services | $140.00 | ||
Newborn Screening | Out of State Newborn Screening | $116.00 |